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  • Syneca Featherstone for the Hidden Harbor

An Update on the Gate Repairs

I know there's a good deal of frustration over the gate. Today marks the fifth time we've had someone from ACT come out. This time they sent a supervisor and she thoroughly diagnosed the gate panel and the control box for the inbound gate. There are issues with both. Thanks to Manny and Ayesha for being there, we were able to come up with a plan of action that is as follows: 1. ACT will have someone come out an anchor the control now on the inbound gate. That was one of the issues that is a serious safety hazard. It was not properly anchored when it was originally installed and left unattended could cause stress problems with the hinges that could result in the gate falling. 2. Once that is done the supervisor will return to activate the gate panel. The entire board is being replaced. The file containing all of the information so that visitors can dial a resident from the gate, as well as the codes was so badly corrupted that when LeLand attempted to resend it was causing issues. Therefore, Laura, at LeLand is rebuilding the file from scratch, imputing all of the codes. That will take at least 2 days. During that time we hope to have the control box anchored and ready to be turning on once the new boards are activated in the control panel. When the gate is activated LeLand can then transmit the file and the gate will be operational. BUT there are still issues. The control box on the inbound gate is old. We may have a year or two life left in it but it is going to need to be rewired. Whoever originally wired it was supposed to use 14 gauge shielded cable but instead they used unshielded Cat3 wire (The type we use to connect our computers to the internet). The anomalies of the gate opening and closing on its own are due to signal bleed and crossover from that cheap and inefficient wiring. There is a 90% probability that those anomalies will continue, therefore our next step will be to have the control box for the inbound gate rewired. If the Cat3 wire can be pulled from the conduit that goes from the box to the panel then new wire can be run. If there is any issue with the conduit such as too many wires, a break in the conduit, damage by roots, etc and the wire cannot be pulled a new conduit will have to be run under ground from the box to the panel and new wiring. We won't know until after we get the gate operational and see what kind of problem we have due to the wiring. So that's where we stand right now. We will keep you posted when there are updates. Hopefully we will soon have an operational gate again.

Again, my personal thanks to Manny Mignatti and our property manager Ayesha Antoine. They gave up three hours of their afternoon to meet with the ACT supervisor and me to figure out what the problem is and come up with a plan of action. I appreciate your dedication to this community, Manny and Ayesha.


Syneca Featherstone

on behalf of the Hidden Harbor Community Association Board of Directors

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