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  • HH Board of Directors

An Update on the Entrance Gate

Good afternoon Hidden Harbor, Today Millennium Fire and Security provided an update regarding the ongoing troubleshooting efforts being taken to resolve our latest technical issues with the entrance gate. We have attached the correspondence for everyone to read and hopefully highlight the complexities associated with this technical issue.

That, coupled with other recent issues, ultimately forced the board to reluctantly keep the gate open for an indefinite period of time.

The current problem has been isolated to a sporadic communication interruption in the software, which is old, but functioning. In our briefing with their technical staff, it was explained that to ensure operational reliability Millennium will have to verify our system performance live during normal activity. I would caution everyone please to understand that this sporadic interruption could very well be SPECTRUM who has been spotty

here as of late.

Posted below is the latest update we have received. We hope to have this operational reliability test conducted as soon as possible.

Your board


Update from Millennium Fire and Security:

Hello Hidden Harbor Board members, Residents, and Leland Management,

We appreciate your patience and understanding as Millennium Fire and Security has been troubleshooting your current community Gates,

Just so everyone has an update,

We are on officially day 4 of us being out troubleshooting your gates. What troubleshooting is on a system we did not install, is testing equipment and seeing what is failing or has already failed. Once we replace those parts we watch and see what else may be failing. Every time we have been out to troubleshoot so far, we have gotten the gates to work with cars flowing through consistently and then another issue arises when we leave.

So far, we have gotten rid of the wiring your landscapers have dug up and went wireless on parts, then replaced a backup battery that has failed.

Now, when we were out to the property, we tested all equipment, and everything seems to be functioning properly. Our next test is to login to the Door Kings system and check the history log as cars use the gates.

This process will involve observing the system functioning and seeing the logins with every car entry and their access to identify additional programming or equipment failures. When we are out doing so, please feel free to use the gates as much as possible to help us identify the issues you are facing.

Please understand the importance of fixing these issues so they stop happening and that the state of disrepair this system was in before we arrived does require some love to get it to where it needs to be given its current age.

Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business,

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