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  • HH Board of Directors

An update on the status of the entry gate

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate the day, and a cheery hello to those who do not.

I wanted to update everyone on the status of the gate and front entrance.

First, the gate. We've contracted with Millennium to come in and switch things out from a wired system to a wireless. Our issues seem to stem from a short, more than likely water getting in where it doesn't belong. Rather than digging up the drive to replace wiring, we've decided to go wireless.

You won't be able to tell a difference because everything remains the same in terms of functionality. It's like switching from plugging in your computer via Ethernet for internet access, to using Wifi (wireless).

It will take at least 3 weeks to get the equipment, which is being ordered now. Once it arrives, a date will be scheduled for the installation. I'd expect the entire process to take around 5-6 weeks until it is completed.

Now, to the brick wall in front of the guard house at the entrance. We've contracted with a company to have it rebuilt and they think they can have that done by the end of the year. It may take longer to get the marble insert we want, but at least the brick work can be completed.

Finally, a note about speeding in the community. It's been brought to the attention of the Board and Management Company that there are quite a few "heavy footed" drivers in the community. We'd like to remind everyone that the speed limit is posted, and is 25mph. There are children on bikes and scooters, people walking their infants in strollers and people walking their dogs. Thanks for your help in making our community safe for everyone.

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