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  • HH Board of Directors

Community Update

There are a couple of things we thought we should bring to your attention.

  1. Gate: The motherboard that had to be replaced in the gate system has arrived and will be installed on Monday. We're all hopeful that will solve the problems with the gate and we'll have it operational again.

  2. Coyotes: Several residents have reported hearing coyotes (night and day) along the lakeside in the community, so it would behoove everyone to be mindful of your small pets if you allow them outside. We have not yet observed the animals, but if you do see one, please notify animal control.

  3. Speeding: It seems we have a real issue in our community with people not wanting to abide by the 25mph speed limit. Please be mindful of this. There are people out walking, walking their dogs, children on bikes or scooters and accidents can happen all too easily.

Thanks and we hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Your Board of Directors

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