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  • HH Board of Directors

Community Vote Needed

Good day. We hope you all had, or are having a wonderful holiday season.

We have an important decision to make. Our insurance company will not extending coverage for the racquetball court beyond June 2023, which give us six months to complete whatever we decide to do. We either have to repair it back to its original condition or demolish it.

Several years ago, we got prices on repairs. The quotes were in excess of $55,000 to repair and around $40,000 to demolish. This year, we secured a commitment to move all of the electical boxes from the structure, demolish and haul off the debris for $21,000.

Since there have been no residents using the courts in the last 15 years, the Board has reached the conclusion that it would be more cost effective to demolish it. Perhaps we are in error, but it seems counter-productive to spend funds on something not being used

Once it is demolished, we can decide what to put on that concrete slab, if anything.

We're asking you to vote on whether you are in favor of the demolition. Please vote. The result will be made public, but your name will not.

Demolish or Repair Racquetball Court

  • Demolish

  • Repair

  • Don't care

Thank you for your feedback.


Syneca Featherstone

on behalf of the Hidden Harbor Community Association

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Sifu Carlos Gonzalez
Sifu Carlos Gonzalez
Dec 27, 2022

1/3 The biggest issue i see is that not much is being done around the Hidden Harbor community. Once it gets demolish I can see nothing happening just like everything here. The gate had not worked for ever. The common areas are not being maintained. The fishing deck on the lake is starting to fall apart due to no maintenance. The trash on the park area is only picked up every 3 months and it a big sanitary problem.


Sifu Carlos Gonzalez
Sifu Carlos Gonzalez
Dec 27, 2022

2/3 The lights on the tennis court are not working. The grass or better said the weed infested grass area is full of fire ants mounts so it’s practically a big risk to play or just stand in that area. the end of the Hidden Harbor Rd is full of trash everywhere. the fountain on the pond is not workin.


Sifu Carlos Gonzalez
Sifu Carlos Gonzalez
Dec 27, 2022

3/3 . So you tell me what will happen if this racquet court does get demolished will anything really will get build in its place? Probably not. To me this lack of care is very disappointing. Hidden Harbor is a beautiful high end neighborhood but it’s not being maintained property.


Luis Leon
Luis Leon
Dec 27, 2022

In view of the cost to have it demolished, it would be better make it an outdoor racquetball court, which ca have other uses, ie: tennis practice yoga sessions , handball etc. Remove the electrical connections, have the the roof removed and replaced with a net. Refinish the walls and floor. I'm sure it would probably cost the same as having it demolished.

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