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  • HH Board of Directors

Happy Holidays! (and a gate update)

Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful holiday season, filled with good cheer, the company of loved ones, and much to be grateful for.

As much as we hoped to have the gates operational this week, the more the techs replaced, the more they found damaged. Apparently, things took a harder hit in the last hurricane than we realized.

I don't want to make any promises on when the repairs will be completed, but do want everyone to know we're actively working on it. We hired a new company with a very good reputation and are hopeful they can get things up and running soon. I know we all are eager for that.

In the meantime, much peace, happiness and blessings to everyone, and wishes for a wonderful new year.

Best wishes,

Syneca Featherstone

on behalf of the Hidden Harbor Community Association

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