Community Update
1. Hurricane cleanup: At present, Waste Management is collected bagged debris (10 bags per address). Solid waste anticipates it being 3-4 weeks before they will be here.
We did get a price on having someone come in and collect debris, but felt the 14k was a bit too high when we can get it done for free. Particularly, considering that we’d have to wait three weeks for that. With all the other projects we have scheduled, it didn’t make sense to spend needlessly.
Our landscapers came and removed all the debris from the tennis courts, the ball field, the road at the recreation area and the gazebo, along with the debris at the front entrance.
2. Front entrance cleaning: we are scheduled to have the front cleaned up – pressuring washing at the mail alcove, the brick wall and the gate.
3. We have signed a contract with a company to come in and rebuild the dock, and are hopeful that will happen next month. We received 3 quotes, ranching from 23k to 35k, and opted for the 23k, which provided all the others did but at a cheaper price.
4. We accepted a bid for digging up and repairing the drain near the tennis courts. That was right at 8k.
5. We are currently waiting on KUA to inspect thewiring at the recreation area so we can get the meter reinstalled and lights we will lease from KUA installed.
And that’s it for now. We will update as there are items added to the list.
Respectfully –
HOA Board