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  • HH Board of Directors

Hurrican Dorian Preparations

As Dorian moves closer to the Florida peninsula, we ask everyone to do a few simple things in preparation. Secure your trash containers and anything that can become a flying projectile and do property damage. If you have yard waste, please tie it up, put it in containers, or somehow dispose of it so that it does not become airborne in the storm and end up going through your neighbor's window.

We have opened the gates to prevent anyone from having to go out in dangerous winds to do so when the storm hits. Once the hurricane has passed, we will have our gate service provider return to reset the gates and make sure no electrical damage was done by the storm.

With luck, there will be no to little damage. At least that is everyone's hope.

Be safe.


Syneca Featherstone

on behalf of the Hidden Harbor Community Association

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