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  • HH Board of Directors

It's time for the community to decide

January 19, 2023

Dear Homeowners,

We are reaching out to the community once more regarding the racquetball court.

We have searched for a contractor willing to renovate the building for almost a year without luck. Due to the infestation of mold and mildew, no one wants to touch it. There is one company willing to demolish the building. We have a deadline because the structure will no longer be covered by our insurance, making it a liability for the community and a time sensitive issue.

We are aware that, like the tennis courts, the structure was built to serve as a communal amenity. Sadly, it has not been utilized for more than fifteen years. Considering this, our suggestion is to remove the structure and create a committee made up of individuals who are prepared to volunteer to decide what kind of facility would be most beneficial for our neighborhood. This proposal does not call for demolishing the building without replacing it with a recreation or activity area in its place.

We do not plan on constructing another racquetball court for the simple reason there is not enough interest to warrant the cost. We have the funds for the demolition; we do not have the funds necessary to rebuild. For that, we would have to special assess our community owners for that purpose alone, which is separate from your regular HOA dues. That is not a welcome option for anyone.

In light of this, the Board will follow the community's choice. So please let us know what your will is. If you are in favor of the demolition and adding an amenity later, there is nothing for you to do. Your silence will be interpreted as a vote in support. If you object to the demolition, contact us at Additionally, if you want to volunteer for the committee that would lead the effort to ideas for replacing the racquetball building with another community amenity, you can email us at the address listed above and we will contact you all to set up a meeting.

Finally, we will be posting information on the progress on our Facebook group, so please join and get regular updates. You can find us using the following link:

This is a private group; therefore, you will have to request to become a member. We do not accept members outside of the community.

Thank you for your time and the opportunity to serve this community.


Syneca Featherstone

On behalf of the Hidden Harbor Community Association Board of Directors

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