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  • HH Board of Directors


Good afternoon,

We seem to be having a rash of complaints about excessive noise in the community. Loud voices and loud music.

So that we're all aware, there is a noise ordinance in Osceola County. If someone can hear your music 300 feet away, it's too loud and you should turn it down. If a neighbor makes that request of you, please do not be verbally abusive. You are, after all, infringing on their rights to enjoy their homes, with your noise. You do not have the right to make others uncomfortable or deprive them of the right to enjoy their property, so let's all be considerate of one another. .

If you do have an issue with noise you can call the Osceola County Sheriff's Department non-emergency number 407-348-2222.


Syneca Featherstone

on behalf of the Hidden Harbor HOA

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