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  • HH Board of Directors

On the topic of furbabies...

A lot of us have pets, and we all love our furbabies (as we should). We also should be mindful of how our pets' behavior affects our neighbors.

Of late there have been complaints about constant barking coming from inside a dwelling where apparently dogs are confined all day. This can be extremely disruptive and annoying, and as it happens, is also in violation of an Osceola County Ordinance (see below)

Ord. No. 2017-49, § 1, 8-7-17; Ord. No. 2018-25, § 1, 4-9-18)

Sec. 4-31. - Nuisance. The following occurrences shall constitute a violation of this section:(a) It shall be unlawful for an animal owner to permit an animal, either willfully or through failure to exercise due care and control, to bark, cry, howl, screech, squawk, scream, whine or make any other objectionable noise, in a continuing or repeated manner so as to disturb the comfort, peace, quiet or repose of any person residing in the vicinity.

We are asking that everyone try to be mindful of the impact your pets have on your neighbors. No one wants to file a complaint against a neighbor, people just want to enjoy their homes without having to listen to constant barking.

Thanks to everyone for your understanding and cooperation. We have a great community and I feel confident we'll all work together to make things pleasant for one another.

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