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  • HH Board of Directors

Stop the Speeding

Good afternoon.

As many of you know, we have an issue with speeding in this community. Many of us have experienced it when we are out walking our dogs or children. Yesterday someone ran into and killed a sand crane on Indian Mound Trail. Considering the damage done to the bird, it's clear the rate of speed was excessive.

Because we have no other recourse, a group of concerned residents has asked that we address the possibity of speed humps again in an effort to slow traffic. Volunteers will be canvasing the community, asking for signatures if you approve us looking into the viability of installing speed humps.

Your vote will be added to the petition based upon your vote.

Thanks for your input.

Your Board of Directors

Are you in favor of Speed Humps?

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  • No

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19. März

Yes, depending where you put them.

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